Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Its a Celebration Bitchez!

The perfect war cry to the perfect debauchery. The somewhat callous line was allegedly said by Rick James as portrayed by Dave Chappelle in one of his comedy skits where he dramatizes Charlie Murphy's embellished recollections of living in the shadow of his brother Eddie "Mr-Fuck-you-man" Murphy. Rick James lived for a little bit longer and we enjoyed him all the more for it because of Dave Chappelle’s all the way across the line hilarious skits.

Now its Lolly Jackson's turn; although his success and triumphs may be considered a tad sleazy the man did drive a Lambo and had the speeding tickets to prove it. Unfortunately his high profile life came to a violent end, the reasons are as yet unclear… however a large cross section of society commemorated the passing of his life… ok, the more giggle worthy bits. The celebration, if you will, of Lolly Jackson was carried out in an increasingly common way, by lampooning the still steaming corpse online. With a name like Lolly, or a surname like Jackson and a profession like owning Teazers, it was a match made in comedy heaven.

Almost any murder is just too much, even though in this case with the reported facts it was probably a logical conclusion to Lolly’s larger than… err life... well, life. Apparently 15 bullets fired into the victim, and a rather humble choice of getaway car from the victim’s extensive collection, followed by a call to confess to the murder (or claim the resultant notoriety, Gianni Versace anyone?) Who could blame the Twitteratti, it was news, it was fresh, it was hashtag worthy and actually it had to be dealt with somehow.

Yes the man was a father, husband and successful business man, allegedly with philanthropic intentions as well which went beyond finding a warm place for women to dance half naked for money. Now that the masses have masticated the topic enough for one night’s entertainment and strange dreams; cooler heads now have a few hours to compose the rest of the hard cold facts for a sober start to the day tomorrow.

It probably doesn’t look good for South Africa in a minor way (which will please the lazy swine who waited for the absolute last minute to get tickets for the World Cup 2010 due to a few more tickets which will probably become available due to this latest brouhaha) however Lolly wasn’t the only person to go down in a violent way today, lets not forget that.

It is a reminder of what lies out there just beyond our computer screens and the information superhighway, and an unfortunate but very relevant high profile reminder to people elected to prevent these sorts of situations that they still have a lot of work to do. So maybe Lolly’s last lapdance for 15 pieces of lead wasn’t in vain.

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