Monday, February 2, 2009

The Future is bleak... I mean black.

Massaging the brain with a bit of worthless tosh is a luxury best savoured on Sundays... one day it will be an executive privilege to be enjoyed at anytime. Until then I read the tabloids during a quick glance at the broadsheets. The idea is to spot the cracks in between these two realities where the truth often leaks out. Boyakasha! A certain Richard Ndlela has penned a rather flowery note to one Julius Malema. I was wiping mirthful tears from my eyes by the time I got to the end line and I quote "Lead us, comrade!"

It had to be the same Richard Ndlela of the afroed chin and baritone voice who got to share a panel with Thebe Ikalafeng at a life style festival aimed at Black People back in 2007, or maybe he may be better remembered for almost becoming an apprentice to the big wale (Sexwale), which doesn't count... what a guy. Anyway he is an enterprenure (succesful) and if he can be seated with Mr. Ikalafeng debating and representing the way Black wants to be... WHAT A GUY! Hey, he also calls himself "an ordinary member" of the ANC, WHAT A GUY!

... and then there is the note to Malema... this is Julius "flat-foot-in-mouth" Malema just so we are clear. Whatever it is that causes Malema to pervert the course of his tongue is catching. For instance take these two paragraphs from Ndlela's apt BEE nib, "Barack Obama has just reset the bar against which a leader is measured." So far so good... next line, "The ANC must resist this reality with positive messages and promises." Eh...? A migraine was just rousing itself at the temples but suddenly laughter took over and saved the day. What a load of verbal fellatio, one wonders if Richard's affections will earn him an invitation to stay until morning and get breakfast and taxi fare as part of the bargain, chez you know who.

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