Thursday, January 15, 2009

Pit Stop Quickie

The Audi nipple (TT... titty... geddit) small, nubile, shapely and doesn't have room for three. Anything with three nipples is a witch, so the superstition goes. Not my dream design, but it still gets a rise out of me. Deceptive in its size, it gets you from point A to point Z as if you were only going from point A to point B... unless you are a bit grown up. But then again nipples reduce most men to babies. A real catch 22, conundrum, so what at least its not humdrum.

184/6300... hmmm? What about 320/2500-3000... doing it for you? Wait try this 250(regulated)... well? How about 5.7! Its all becasue of 3189 (4), yup, who would believe you if you said that in polite company, pure porn!

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