Sunday, May 31, 2015
Until we release the Kraken

Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Rare Quaff on Auction
Maybe it’s a thing I picked up in Cape Town, but the whites were not very interesting, they only earned a sniff and pour from me. Partially pacing myself I launched into the reds that came around with more reserve than broke ladies at a fashion sale. I never got the chance to honestly find a red I could quaff with reckless abandon for the rest of the evening, the somewhat dry somewhat witty wine master Bennie Howard was too skilled a director of the tasting and kept things moving along briskly. With a good mix of clever wines, accessible wines, and a few that needed to grow up a little before they would be useful the wine sampling was a great example of what could soon be lurking in local wine aficionados’ wine cellars.
Stand out favourites included the Le Bonheur Prima 2001, pretty much a steal at a reserve price of R1200.00, however being a wine auction and only 40 cases of 12 bottles each being the only stock available this year, its gona be war. The Nederburg Private Bin R181 Merlot 2002 is another smooth criminal that will surely bring out the gangster in a many of the wine hunters at the auction in September. Another Nederburg nca was the Private Bin R172 Pinotage 2003 a total obscenity at the case reserve price of R900.00 for 12 bottles... actually one could just imagine what was going to transpire at Nederburg in the Western Cape come the 16th and 17th September... Anyway in Gaborone the subdued crowd of mainly journalists, secret wine lovers and one or two total worshippers of the vine came alive when the first red gurgled out of the bottle. Wine Master Bernie had a hell of time keeping order by the final drop of two totally unnecessary desert wines, Nederburg’s Eminence 2005 and Edelkeur 2006, both sourced from private bins. The sweet finish left a couple of ladies looking intensely annoyed, murmuring about, “This was what wine should taste like, pity about the small bottles...” Errm yes, well...
To keep Botswana wine lovers from feeling like they are being teased unnecessarily, a local bottle store chain, Liquorama (+267 7504 1145 - Ronald), offers to bid on the behalf of the willing and able. After tax and everything else, it should still be a good wine buying session, with many of the wines deemed “too rare to taste” in the Anthony Barne MW (celebrated wine drinker) authored tasting notes. If anyone is thinking of getting their share, they best make arrangements quick as the whole world is invited to the auction in September. The finest of elixirs from Alto to Zonnebloem will be in attendance, right alongside underappreciated beauties like Chateau Libertas and relative unknowns to the main stream such as Nuy, Fryer’s Cove, Joubert-Tradauw. It promises to be a heady two days of high stakes wine auctioneering, wine-lands hospitality and well earned elegant hangovers at the Nederburg Wine Auction 2011, on September the 16th and 17th.
Back to the quaff of the night, the Le Bonheur Prima 2001, it was last seen being poured to the brim into two glasses by the marketing manager of a casino chain with very much an air of contented relief. Ugh, hated her!
Nederburg Rare South African Wine Auction 2011 Catalouge
Big willy wines
Thursday, August 11, 2011
I am back.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Kenzhero, still my Hero

Thursday, May 12, 2011
My Favourite Pisser Offer

Montle Morosi has been at it again...this South African should be allowed to go places espousing the virtues of South Africa. Anyone that gets anyone to write something like this moan (detailed below) is doing something right.
wts his email add?
why does he have to go write such a horrible peice about afrika burns?
this is what i amlost posted
first off i would like to share with people that montle came with us as his girfreind was part of our”family” and we welcomed him with open arms into our camp at the very last minute,
if you were interested in afrika burns you would have got a cheap tcket,
big point here is that montle in fact tried to sneak in and i had to insist that he didnt,i caught him hiding in the back of my bakkie as we drove in,,,he obviously didnt understand the point of afrika burns,,karma .gifting etc,,,wich fuking works !!! and montle experienced it,i know i saw!!
but then karmicly or whatever you want to call it,i got a spare ticket as there was confusion on AB part when sorting out our camps tickets,so in fact montle didnt have to pay anything,,!!
his first gift of afrika burns ,and you would of thought he learned a lesson,,and he did,
he was nice to everyone,he was smiling and it seemed to all of us that he loved every second,in fact i know he did he told me several times,
but then he goes and writes another one of his fluff pecies,????
what for montle?
why do you like pissing ppl off and hurting ppl?
and dont say,,ahh bru its just writing,
cos if it is just writing for you,,,then pls stay the fuk away from me
cos this is not the first time you have acted like a brat and offended me,
at the festival he expressed his hippie inside by expressing his complete love for everyone and everything to me (even though he was high!) it doesnet matter
this pecie is bullshit its another bullshit mahala sensiliation for haters to hate on
andy,again youve added another peice of crap out,,
i mean crap because its made up,not triue and superficial
montle why didnnt you investigate and interview a organiser ,as you would of then found out all of the above
in fact montle we got some money as an art grant for “we like it here” wich means montle you got some money!!
and montle the hippies cleaned and worked more then you,i saw you a few times pretending to be doing something,
montle youre a nice person in real life, why do you do this stuff over and over,?
youve offended ppl i love and me,for the last time!
but yet ,last time i forgave you,in fact more then that ,you came to afrika burns with me!
we all weant out of our way to make you have a special time and be part of something beutifull
if you cant see that…
then fuk off!
(unique spelling all Ricky's own)CLICK here for the gushy stuff live and unadulterated on Mahala. Watch how the comments just keep going and going and going... Montle gets South Africa talking.
Pic jacked from Queen Piimp, her Webface here.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
You & Me & Everyone We Should Know