Its been all about twitter recently, so I am having a twipipheny of sorts. Something has become revealed. It is the shared consciousness of faceless personalities. The freedom to really link with a mind irrespective of its flesh and bone sheath. Unfortunately we have a conduit that is quite lifeless, only the interaction makes it seems full of life... the crackberry, laptop, desk top or humble bottom of the range cell phone. The fancier the platform though and one could start to believe that the conduit can take on a life of its own. Say you are on a much fancier platform then twitter... you know Google Buzz comes to mind... is it not just a striped down Google Wave...? Meanwhile Twitter is a stripped down form of email... and... there we go getting side tracked by the issues beside the issue. So, fancy platforms aside, how ever we may feel about them, the point is we communicate with fewer barriers. The fact that there are hand held devices that facilitate the flow of information means we never need disconnect from the collective consciousness until we are physically asleep... until someone comes up with a way of putting our dreams on the Internet while we sleep... or worse switches off our ability to sleep.Recently on a little rural trip to see the inheritance the previous generation shall be leaving for the current generation, information about what I was doing was flying thick and fast. Unfortunately it was only a one sided flow of info. New info coming in all the time from out in the field. All text unfortunately but somehow still relevant. The overwhelming realisation of the responsibility about to be placed on our shoulders as the current generation, was made easier by being able to fire off bits of info to minds unseen, yet ready and willing to receive and share the experience. This unseen but very much tangible collective, reachable one text letter at a time offered the same reassurance that some may seek through divine inspiration. That reaching out to the universe for some form of comfort in the form of an answer has become the new religion. As we send that tweet trusting blindly that someone will hear our message... and if I had a blackberry someone would have answered me.
Twitter is a beast. Any kind of beast incredible, intelligent, insightful, informative, instructive, indispensable and any other "in" you can think of. So I met @brownbeads and @sungodess in person. Both were "strangers", @brownbeads less so becasue she had a familiar face, we had definitely been near nodding terms. You know when you can nod at a stranger because you see them so much. I picked up where I left off from the twitter conversations as is my nature, I mean why be a Tweeple and then be a @someoneelse when you meet tweeps in real life. I distinctly got the impression the ladies held back a little. But that's ok. It was only lunch. I am damn sure I was not what they had in mind. But that's OK, I went with no expectations... well other than that @brownbeads was a cutie... turned out she was a real cutie, one with brains, basically she was... is beautiful.
And so we had lunch together... we talked, like you know really talked. None of the innocuous, "Whats the weather like where you come from" jive. We undressed a local business man... OK I did, we trashed one or two people. We lamented this and that. Agreed on a thing or two. One thing is we are officially in a social circle of sorts. We will take steps to widen our other circles to include the three of us... which I dread but you know how it is, you feel you must dilute certain relationships to be able to digest them. And so Andreattah Chuma is about to officially launch herself into the tricky recorded material market. I just tweeted the ladies "
@brownbeads & @sungodess what y'all wearing. Lets coordinate 4 this listening thang. I wanna make an entrance like some pimp daddy. Yes? No?" Lets see if they just keep it Tweal. Lunch was a celebration, two scoops! Celebrating Life (yes Gladwinner, you!) Taking it all in. Seeing what 140 characters can add to a person's life and frankly, it was a great celebration.Twitter makes me realise how dumb I am every day - @sungodess
Yes... but it was a coincidence - @brownbeads (question was, Are your panties also pink? She had on pink shoes, nails, and top... but the toe nails were red... ho figure?)
Now I just have to cull some real life "friends..."
Got to keep it tight in 20turn.